Random… um… Wednesday?

23 Dec
  • 1 week into the holidays, and I’ve already lost track of the days. I only know that it’s “two more sleeps until Christmas” thanks to regular updates from Sasquatch.
  • Today we took the boys to the movies, something we try to do every school holidays, good behaviour and an appropriate movie permitting. We saw Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, and it was a hoot! The movie was fun, but my favourite part of taking the boys to the cinema is watching them watch the movie. The highlight of today’s performance was when Sasquatch leapt up onto his seat, punching the sky and shouting “GUMMY BEARS! YEEEEAAAAHHH!”
  • Aestlight has just entered the lace border zone (Rav-link).
  • Wanida #1 is about five rounds shy of the heel flap (ditto).
  • My FIL’s formerly-Christmas-now-Father’s-Day-socks (AKA Hiiumaa) are 75% done (and again).
  • This morning I cast on a Tomten (do you really need a link for that?) for Sasquatch. I needed something brainless to knit on at the cinema, and the only thing in the WIP box that fit the bill was the Mulberry Shawl (see above, re: Rav-link), which is now too big a lapful to be comfortable knitting in the summer, even in an air-conditioned theatre.
  • Why a Tomten? Because he chose it. I was tootling around Ravelry one day, looking at this and that, and he wandered over for a hug (my boy is a very cuddly little beast: several times a day I’ll hear “How about a hug, Mum?”), and he pointed out a very cute specimen of Tomten that I’d been looking at and said “Can I have a jumper like that?”. So, measurements have been taken (and adjusted up for the inevitable growth that will occur between now and next winter), maths has been done, Bendi Rustic 8ply has been dug out of stash, and I put a good couple of inches on it while laughing my arse off at boyish antics.
  • Finally, I’ll leave you with the song that’s been stuck in my head ever since Saturday night. Tex Perkins (the musical equivalent of dark chocolate with chili in it) and Tim Rogers (who defies all description, especially food-metaphor; is there a food that sounds sexy, looks weird and then turns out to be really, really silly?), opened the RocKwiz Christmas special with a stunning rendition of one of my very favourite Christmas carols. Here ’tis:

5 Responses to “Random… um… Wednesday?”

  1. amy December 23, 2009 at 10:50 pm #

    We’d like to take the boys to a movie over holiday break, too (well, Chris would, since I don’t think the other attendees would appreciate the girl’s antics) but we can’t find an appropriate movie except for a re-release of Toy Story 2. Why don’t we have Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs? (It’s a book, too, did you know?) Not fair!!

  2. Leonie December 24, 2009 at 12:17 pm #

    Oh my that video was excellent…Tex Perkins…Oh what a voice! Tom Rogers wasn’t bad but there’s something about the depth to Tex’s voice…..gorgeous. And somehow you are finding time to knit with both the boys home….you are amazing. My knitting has gone out the window since the holidays started as my boys don’t know how to relate to each other and spend all their time doing the naughty stuff or persuading the others to do it. Currently I can hear them throwing things that aren’t balls so I have to go read them the riot act! Have a great Chrissy, look forward to seeing you again next year 🙂

    • kissmyfrog December 24, 2009 at 12:34 pm #

      Three reasons why I’m getting knitting done with my critters underfoot:

      1. My boys are both a bit older than yours,
      2. I have them well trained… I stop knitting for three things: blood, vomit or fire. Everything else will wait until the end of the row.
      3. I have Santa’s email address, and I’m not afraid to use it.

  3. Tinkingbell December 24, 2009 at 2:46 pm #

    Merry Christmas to you and yours and a wonderful 2010!


  4. Kate December 26, 2009 at 10:20 am #

    Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day!!!
    (ohhhh, that is a dark choc voice alright!!)

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