WIP Wednesday

4 Dec

fil-sock-002Oh, wait… I haven’t got a kid hanging off of me, that means it must be Thursday. Eh, whatever. It’s 2.30pm, I’m eating an apricot muesli bar for lunch (yes, I know that’s not enough, and I promise I’ll make up for it at dinner time), I’m taking a tiny break from the deep and enduring joys of end-of-lease cleaning, and I have a half a sock to show you.

I’m loving this pattern! It’s a funny thing, I bought this book from Mandie over a year ago, and although I liked the look of all the patterns, I’d never actually knit one, because there were all those cool new ones on Knitty, and in my Rav-queue, and now here we’ve got two in a row from the book, and they are both so lovely. Here’s a detail shot of the stitch pattern:fil-sock-004

Sorry, it’s a bit blurry, but hopefully you get the idea. It’s kind of a basket-weavy effect. I only have to do one more six-row pattern repeat and then it’s time for the stripey heel flap.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and pick up kids from school. Just wanted to touch base and let you all know I’m not dead, I’m just buried under a mountain of dust and cob-webs. We have way too much crap. And the boys have inherited Tech Support’s pack-rat gene. Yesterday I had Sasquatch sobbing his heart out while hugging a pair of too-small sandals to his chest, because I suggested that he might like to hand them down to his cousin. “But, Mummy, I luh-huh-huve the-heh-hem!”


3 Responses to “WIP Wednesday”

  1. Mandie December 4, 2008 at 4:05 pm #

    There you are! I have been thinking of you and sending good house moving vibes your way. I’ve also been very vigilant and have ensured Murphy stays here with me for the duration k?
    I’ll be lookin’ at you soon!

  2. becky c. December 5, 2008 at 4:23 am #

    Pretty sock! Miranda will sometimes see her cousin in a hand-me-down shirt and say, “Hey, I have a shirt just like that!” I am in big trouble when she clues in.

  3. bells December 5, 2008 at 12:34 pm #

    I’ve overlooked that pattern. I love the book and have never stopped to consider that one. Next time I need manly socks, this it. Love it!

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