You Say ‘Potatomus’, and I Say ‘Pomatomus’*

16 Jan

My goofy damn husband is taking an unholy delight in calling my socks “Potatomus”, and now he’s got the boys saying it, too. Sigh. One of the perils of living in a testosterone-heavy environment, I guess.

Meanwhile, Despina is growing:


I originally cast on with 2.75mm needles, as called for in the pattern, but it was very tight going over my heel (stupid high insteps), so I ripped back and started over with 3.00mm, and I’m much happier with the result. I had a ridiculously hard time with the heel flap: after all that [P1, K1tbl] on the leg, my hands refused to remember to [K1, P1tbl] when working back across the wrong side. Silly, huh?

Anyhoo, I eventually got to the end of the heel flap, and I must say I am very happy with the gusset. I am by nature a toe-up girl, and not generally a fan of picking up gusset stitches, but I think this is the best work of its kind that I have ever done.


The pattern requires a fair amount of focus, so I have a much simpler sock on the needles as well. Do you remember this sock?


It was a while ago, I admit. I was never very happy with the toe, so I ripped it back and waited for inspiration to strike. Well, it dawned on me last week that if I used a contrast yarn for the toe heel and cuff, not only would I probably be happier with the toe, but I would get a nice long sock. Not much gets by me.


The blue stripe is a place holder for the afterthought heel, and just above it you can see the beginnings of the lace panel from the Dublin Bay sock pattern.

This is the sock that I am using to teach myself Continental knitting, in accordance with SSoS Goal #4. I have now reached the point where my gauge is pretty much even and while I’m not breaking any records, I’m quicker at it than I was. I also know that Continental and I are never gonna be best friends – it just doesn’t feel right. That being said, I think I’ve got the hang of it well enough that I can see some Fairisle happening before the summer is over.

*For those of you already humming the tune, here’s Fred and Ginger. You didn’t think I was gonna leave you hanging, did you?

8 Responses to “You Say ‘Potatomus’, and I Say ‘Pomatomus’*”

  1. tinkingbell January 16, 2008 at 5:22 pm #

    lovely both of them!!

  2. Rose Red January 16, 2008 at 6:18 pm #

    Gosh that Poma-t looks fantastic – the colours in that yarn are just divine!! And for what it’s worth, I think you should do the Suma-t for the second sock (or should I call it Anipsed?!)

  3. audreym January 16, 2008 at 10:03 pm #

    your pomatamus looks fabulous. I did the leg of mine on 3mm needles to accommodate my larger legs, then switched back to 2.75 for the foot

  4. amy January 17, 2008 at 12:35 am #

    I’ve tried to throw–when I was working those stranded snowflake hats–and I kept throwing in the wrong direction and having to untwist the stitches on the next round, so I gave up. It’s really hard to teach yourself the opposite style, so, good for you!

    (I do love Continental, though. I can zip right through stockinette in the round. Good thing, too. I’m about to start my LAST SLEEVE of the four!!!)

  5. kms January 17, 2008 at 9:44 am #

    the socks are lovely, i cant believe you managed to magic loop a gusset, i had too much trouble with the heel so switched back to DPNs. its a funny thing muscle memory, i couldnt imagine knitting any way other than what i automatically do, so i admire your persistence!

  6. becky c. January 17, 2008 at 1:01 pm #

    Look at you, all goal-achieving over there!! Your Pomatumus sock is so beautiful.

  7. KTMay January 18, 2008 at 7:50 am #

    WOW! OH WOW! I just LOVE those socks….LOVE them!!! They are beyond fantabulously beautious!

    Nice job on the contrasting toe…It really looks sharp!

  8. Kate January 18, 2008 at 8:11 pm #

    Whatever you call it, Despina is gorgeous!!! And I want me some – though mine would be Meredith (goddess of the sea), ‘cos that’s my middle name already – can you hear me saying “mine! me! mine! me!!”???

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